The last few days have kinda been blurred into one. Today is Sept 1st for me, but I will probably post this tomorrow.
August 30th-Monday~I don't think I went over today...that's right, I worked on my yard.
August 31st-Tuesday~Hmmmm, that was only yesterday....Oh yes, Skylar and I went over. I helped Dad move a few things from dining room to spare room, wall hangings and such. Dad got his approval for the apartment in Arlington. Mom hasn't been opening her eyes much the last couple days. I brought a little heart candle holder and a few candles for mom.
September 1st-Wednesday~It's a new month :) Mom slept most all day on this day, barely spoke at all. I went over in the morning w/Skylar for awhile and she had the "rattle breathing" pretty badly. Dad took Skylar over to Target to buy a Pokemon toy...that was nice :) Skylar is such a trooper! I came back around 730-800pm and sat w/mom for awhile, a couple of times it seemed like she really wanted to talk, but couldn't. I just sat there and held her hand and told her, "everyone is fine, everyone is good." (She was probably trying to tell me to shut up and quit rubbing her arm and
September 2nd-Thursday~Dad called me at 8:15am and said keeps telling him, "it's time, it's time" and pointing at her Mickey Mouse watch....then Dad realized her oxygen machine was unplugged!! He thinks maybe the dog was chasing a "rat" and got the cord unplugged...poor mom~!! She was coherant and I talked to her for a bit...her "rattled breathing" sounded pretty bad, Dad gave her some secretion dry up medicine, but he said it didn't really do anything to help yet. I was able to have Skylar go to his friend's house for the day and I am now headed up to visit.
~One of Mom's Poems~
We have sent food to a distant land, we have fed our brethren, we have fed other man, we must now send food to our own Glorious land, we must feed our own USA man.
Got to Mom's right at noon...stayed till about 4pm. MOM IS SO FUNNY sometimes, here are few excerpts from today:
ReplyDeleteMe: Just arrived, went into living room and I started fussing around and checking her out and talking and then she said,"I want you to calm down and sit down." I did.
Mom: "Steven, come close here...Stephanie, come here" and then she pointed to Dad and and said, "away" and looked at me and said, "back away." (she wanted some peace and
Nurse says: "you should probably take her teeth out (false) so she can breathe better" ME: I go to take teeth out and she POPPED OPEN her eyes and looked at me with a "WTF" look, glared at me and tightened her lips up, looked around in front of her and grabbed hers stuffed dog and went to attack me with it....oh man, it was funny! My Dad, the nurse and I were all laughing.