I stayed home today and worked on my yard, but I talked to Mom on the phone in the morning. She got on the phone and said, "HEEELLLLOOOO, STEPHANIEEEEE" and so I said, "HELLO, MOOOOOMMMMM." She was in good spirits today. She requested a crewel embroidery, so I told her I would try to find a beginner one or a kid one that she can try. Who knows....whatever she wants, right?
August 29th~Sunday
Mom really enjoyed her beer on Thursday that now she had my Dad get her one on Saturday and is now requesting a Screwdriver Drink! Give her and inch and she wants a mile! Granted now, she quit drinking quite some ago, but it was always her drink of choice. (I've heard that some people have swabbed the mouths of a dying person w/their liquor they used to drink.) I stopped at the Liquor Store in Granite Falls (open on Sunday) and picked her up two little baby bottles of Absolute and an OJ.
Dad went to the Smokey Point Swap Meet yesterday and again today to make extra $. Our caregiver leaves at 2pm on Sunday, so I needed to be there until Dad got home at about 3pm. Dad brought home a really nice card from nice Swap Meet Friends that knew Mom, they also gave her some nice Silver Dollar coins, that was very nice of them. Mom was doing pretty good when I got her today. I fixed her pillow under her legs to be under her calves/not her knees, so her heals would not have any bed pressure. I also made little tents to keep the blanket pressure off her some too. She asked me what I was doing, with a puzzled iratated look....I told her I was trying to make her all comfy (she's like 'whatever').
Dad got home, a little before 3pm and I heated up the Chili that the Caregiver made for them; they both enjoyed it :) Mom ate about a good 8-10 bites! I smashed it up a little and made sure she got some beans.
Mom wanted her Screwdriver drink, so I made her a half of a drink in her Mickey Mouse cup. I had let her hold the little bottle of Vodka and asked her, "Now, how do I make a Screwdriver?" She wouldn't tell me, because she said , "You and Christine knew how to make one." LOL! I asked her if she could taste the Vodka and she said, "YEP, YEP, YEP!!" LOL!
I vacuumed up the house really good and did some laundry. Dad has been in the process of moving some belongings to a Storage Unit lately and will most likely start setting up the new Apartment in Arlington as soon as the paperwork is final (probably Sept 1st). He does not plan on completely moving out of the Mobile Home until October. The room where Mom sleeps (living room) is untouched.
A little later, around 5pm Mom wouldn't wake up for us! I would say, "Lorrie, Mom, Mother...Open your eyes." She wouldn't budge. My Dad got pretty worried, thought she had a stroke or something.....I felt for her pulse and it was good and she was breathing. My Dad called the Hospice Hotline and a Nurse was going to come by and see her. We finally got her to respond to us a little and Dad said, "how come you didn't answer us?" and she said, "because I didn't want to." I told her she worried Dad and she said, "that's stupid" Oh dear.....poor Dad!
The Nurse came and said Mom may have had a mini stroke. She got a shot of her liquid morphine and it seemed to bring her around :) I will be googling this mini stroke stuff now too.
I hope everyone had a nice weekend and thanks for thinking of us :)
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